Kellys Totally Bloged Out

Friday, September 08, 2006


I don't know if it happens to you but it's always happening to me.
I'll just be minding my own business writing emails, reading a book and not even thinking about food and BAM! It'll hit me. My taste buds will just crave for something and won't stop craving for it until I've had it. It can be 3 weeks or longer and I'll have the same craving. The strangest thing is that it will be for something that I haven't had for a long long time.
A couple of months ago I had a craving for a Taco. This was really strange as it is not usually something that I would order when going to a restaurant or eat at home. My last taco would have been when I was in grade 4 which is 12 years ago. I was not satisfied with any food (not even chocolate) until I had a taco.
It's usually 3-4weeks until my next craving after I’ve had my last craving unless it's influenced by someone. For example, I had a craving for chips and gravy, so Trav, Pauline and I went out for chips and gravy but Pauline also orders a fried dim sim. So after eating chips and gravy I had cravings for a dim sim but I always end up torturing myself until I can no longer stand it and just have to have what I'm craving.
Tonight at 9.30pm it happened. I hadn't had a craving for anything for 3 weeks and BAM! It hit me. I now crave a chocolate milk shake. Now I will see how long it will be until I can give into my craving.

Stay tuned for my next craving.


  • At 6:50 PM, Blogger Trav said…

    hmm i have cravings for chocolate milk like wait that's an addiction


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